What Is Type 1 Diabetes? [Saturday 29th March 2017]
Diabetes is all about insulin. Either not having any (type 1) or your body cells no longer responding to insulin (type 2).
Regulating your body's internal conditions is very important, so important that it has its own name: Homeostasis (taking you back to biology class for a second here). Homeostasis maintains the optimum conditions for your body cells to function. One of the conditions homeostasis maintains is your blood glucose concentration. When your blood glucose concentration is too high, insulin is secreted by the pancreas which makes glucose move into the liver and muscle cells. This returns blood glucose concentration to optimum levels. When you're type 1 diabetic, you don't produce insulin. If left untreated, without insulin, diabetes can lead to lower leg amputation and blindness.
If you have any of these symptoms, go and see a doctor. It's better if you catch it early as there well be less damage to blood vessels in your eyes and feet. Better safe than sorry.
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Regulating your body's internal conditions is very important, so important that it has its own name: Homeostasis (taking you back to biology class for a second here). Homeostasis maintains the optimum conditions for your body cells to function. One of the conditions homeostasis maintains is your blood glucose concentration. When your blood glucose concentration is too high, insulin is secreted by the pancreas which makes glucose move into the liver and muscle cells. This returns blood glucose concentration to optimum levels. When you're type 1 diabetic, you don't produce insulin. If left untreated, without insulin, diabetes can lead to lower leg amputation and blindness.
The Signs
Typical symptoms of type 1 diabetes include:
- Feeling very thirsty.
- Needing to pee more than usual, especially at night.
- Feeling tired
- Loss of weight/muscle bulk
If you have any of these symptoms, go and see a doctor. It's better if you catch it early as there well be less damage to blood vessels in your eyes and feet. Better safe than sorry.
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