
Showing posts from April, 2017

Addicted To Sugar [Sunday 30th April 2017]

This May (see what I did there?) be harder than I thought, I now understand why people give up diets so quickly. I feel like I am going to die... I'm not a hypochondriac, honest, but the lack of sugar is making me feel terrible. I've got the shakes! I feel like a recovering alcoholic; soon I'll be at SA meetings (sugar anonymous) talking about my past. Not a nice thought, at all. Today is Sunday which means moaning about the shit on British TV and getting progressively tireder throughout the day without doing anything at all. So sorry this is going to be a pretty boring post, don't know what else to say. Ooh I did some pretty painful core exercises this morning and now it hurts when I laugh; good thing I don't laugh often. *The Sound Of Silence Plays*  Sorry about the bad jokes, I did warn you :D blame the healthiness. 

Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy is a complication of diabetes, caused by high blood sugar levels damaging the back of the eye (retina). It can cause blindness if left undiagnosed and untreated. So go and see a doctor if you have diabetes or think you have diabetes. The retina is the light-sensitive layer of cells at the back of the eye that converts light into electrical signals. The signals are sent to the brain and the brain turns them into the images you see. The retina needs a constant supply of blood, which it receives through a network of tiny blood vessels. Over time, a persistently high blood sugar level can damage these blood vessels in three main stages: Tiny bulges develop in the blood vessels, which may bleed slightly but don’t usually affect your vision – this is known as background retinopathy. More severe and widespread changes affect the blood vessels, including more significant bleeding into the eye – this is known as pre-proliferative retin...

Boredom Kills, Kids [Saturday 29th April 2017]

H appy Saturday everyone, hope you're doing good. I woke up at 8am after a pretty solid eight hours of sleep. After getting home from the bar, I was asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow.  Only interrupted by my neighbours and their wailing infant at 5am. I don't mind, the baby is pretty adorable. I thought I better do some exercise so I went for a nice long run. It's quite sunny outside and only slightly chilly and I found the run very pleasant actually. I've always enjoyed running, I'm not that bad at it either; I can run a 5k in under sixteen minutes, on a good day that is. Pro tip: try and run through a dodgy neighbourhood, it will make you run faster. After I had a good breakfast of my secret recipe porridge (oatmeal to Americans) . Comment if you want the full recipe but it consists of adding a table spoon of whey powder into the milk and some other ingredients. Helps me get the gains (and the girls). I ate breakfast standing up because sitting down...

What Is Type 1 Diabetes? [Saturday 29th March 2017]

D iabetes is all about insulin. Either not having any (type 1) or your body cells no longer responding to insulin (type 2).  R egulating your body's internal conditions is very important, so important that it has its own name: Homeostasis (taking you back to biology class for a second here). Homeostasis maintains the optimum conditions for your body cells to function. One of the conditions homeostasis maintains is your blood glucose concentration. When your blood glucose concentration is too high, insulin is secreted by the pancreas which makes glucose move into the liver and muscle cells. This returns blood glucose concentration to optimum levels. When you're type 1 diabetic, you don't produce insulin. If left untreated, without insulin, diabetes can lead to lower leg amputation and blindness.  The Signs T ypical symptoms of type 1 diabetes include:  Feeling very thirsty.  Needing to pee more than usual, especially at night.  Feeling tired ...

A slow start [Friday 28th April 2017]

W hy oh why did I start this on a Friday, my only night out in the week and I can't even drink. Guess I'm the designated driver tonight. Whilst my friends were getting smashed, I was talking to this girl who described herself as "silly" and "fun to be with" (I know). I was fully sober in a bar full of drunks,  it was actually better than it sounds. Bear with me, you see everything so differently, I noticed the strange things people say to try and get a date for the night. Although, don't get me wrong, it wasn't as fun as being drunk with a load of other very, very drunk people. I hope that as I managed to survive with all these temptations, this might actually last. A t least no hang over tomorrow morning, that means no greasy breakfast to make the pain disappear, sorry stomach it's all about the pancreas now. How's your Friday night going?

Coming To Terms With Type 1 Diabetes

H i there, my name is Toby and I recently found out that my family has a high risk of type 1 diabetes. Especially me, for many reasons but mainly because my grandfather had diabetes but my mum didn't. But also because of environmental factors as my biology said many times; this means, in the best way possible, diet and exercise are both non existant. I decided something had to change. Now I have tried stuff like this, not blogging, trying to be healthy.  But like my relationships, it never lasts for more than a week. So I thought, with the support of my lovely readers I might be able to stop myself getting type 1 diabetes or at least prolong them. Then if I am diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, at least my lifestyle would be already good. This blog will be full of fitness tips, recipes, bad jokes and hopefully a journey towards a long and fruitful life. Why not come along for the ride! Please follow, comment and share if you enjoyed this! If you'd like to learn more about ...